We offer unique home-based
Childminding services in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, South Molton

2 Year Funding
2 year funding entitles some two year olds in Devon to 15 hours of FREE childcare and early learning each week. The scheme helps improve children's learning and development, gives them the chance to make new friends and have lots of fun in a specially approved childcare setting.
How do I qualify?
Your child is eligible if the family is receiving certain benefits, has a household income under £16,190.00 or if your child has a disability, special educational needs or if they are adopted or placed under a residency order.

Early Years Funded Sessions for your 3 and 4 year old's
Sending your child to pre-school is an emotional step for both the child and the parent. Here at Beeches we very strongly believe in developing and educating the children in a fun, stimulating environment.
Working within a framework to ensure equality of opportunity for all children and their families. Your child will be guided and helped to develop through the Early Years Foundation Stage.
From the term after your child's 3rd birthday until they start school, they are entitled to up to 15 hours of free early learning and child care each week for up to 38 weeks of the year during school term time. The full 15 hours can be used over a minimum of 2 days a week. A maximum of 10 hours a day between 8am and 6pm. You can also share the 15 hours between 2 registered providers.
Early Years Entitlement Funding (EYEF) (3 and 4 year olds)
570 hours of early education or childcare a year. This is often taken as 15 hours each week for 38 weeks of the year (term time) only. Singing songs, playing games with letters and numbers and having fun with other children help to prepare your child for school and for life ahead.
Your childs Learning and Development
There are seven areas in which your child will learn and develop.
Your children learn lots of words and phrases from reading books with you, promoting their Communication and Language and Literacy.
You can never start reading with your child too early. Children learn best when activities use several senses at once- like touch, taste, and hearing. Talk together about everyday activities - like getting dressed and cooking - helps your child improve their listening and talking skills.
We support the children in developing their Understanding of the World that will help them make sense of the world around them. Their learning is supported through offering opportunities for them to use a range of tools safely.
Children will encounter creatures, people, plants and objects in their natural environment and in real life situations; undertake practical 'experiments' and work with a range of materials.
The physical development of young children is encouraged through the provision of opportunity for them to be active and interactive and to improve their skills of co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement. They are supported in developing an understanding of the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food.
Children's development in Expressive Arts and Design is extended by provision of support for their curiosity, exploration and play. Opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, music movement, dance, imaginative and role play activities and design and technology.
Children are provided with experiences and support which will help them to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others, social skills and a positive disposition to learn. This forms part of their Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Children's learning and competence in communication, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write is supported and extended. They are provided with opportunities and encouraged to use their skills for a range of purposes and be supported in developing the confidence and disposition to do so.
Children are supported in developing their understanding of Mathematics in a wide range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy learn and practice and talk about their developing understanding. It's about counting things, sorting , matching, looking at patterns and playing with shape, space and measures.
They are provided with opportunities to practice and extend their skills in these areas and to gain competence in their use.
Each child will have their own personal Learning Journal which monitors their development. This includes observations, photographs, and children's work, which are linked to the above seven areas of learning.
If your child’s 3rd birthday is between 1 September 2020 and 31 December 2020 they will be entitled to 3 year old funding from Monday 4 January 2021
This entitlement is not means tested and is available to all children of this age.
The Early Years Entitlement for 3 and 4 year old's is funded by Devon County Council.
When your child is due to start school, Beeches provide a detailed Transition Document setting out your child's achieved levels so there is no lapse when entering their new Reception class.
We warmly welcome visits to our settings by reception teachers to help build new relationships and to strengthen the next part of their educational journey.